How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants not only look and feel like your natural teeth, but they also function like your regular teeth, meaning you can eat whatever and speak articulately, just like you would with your regular teeth. 

However, despite their utility, dental implants are prone to wear and tear with continuous use and eventually fail. But how long do dental implants last, and how can you prolong their longevity? Keep reading for answers to these questions and much more!

Average Lifespan of Dental Implants

On average, dental implants last anywhere from ten to thirty years depending on the type of implant and how well you care for them. The implants can last for decades, but the tissues surrounding them betray their longevity. You see, while dental implants are made from metal and inorganic material, the tissues around them are not. The soft tissue and teeth surrounding the implants are prone to infection from bacteria and fungi, causing deterioration and, ultimately, dental implant failure.

Can Dental Implants Last a Lifetime?

Dental implants are made from titanium, a strong, biocompatible metal with incredible corrosion resistance that also forms a protective oxide coating in the presence of oxygen. The jaw bone tissue fuses with the dental implants by growing into small pores on the implant’s surface, eventually becoming one.

Provided the gum tissue maintains its structural integrity, the implant will last for decades on end. However, while the implant is super durable, it’s hard to say the same about the abutment and prosthetic teeth. Biting into hard foods frequently could crack or break the prosthetic teeth attached to your dental implants. Fortunately, you can easily replace the prosthetic teeth at a fraction of the cost of getting dental implants. 

How Can I Make My Dental Implants Last Longer?

Extending the lifespan of your dental implants is as simple as being consistent with some basic maintenance practices. Here are some ways to make your dental implants last longer:

Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

As mentioned earlier, the soft tissue surrounding dental implants is still vulnerable to bacterial infection. A lack of proper oral hygiene could lead to gum disease, leading to the deterioration of the gum tissue holding the implants. By brushing and flossing your teeth daily, you can eliminate bacteria from the gums, prevent gum disease, and prolong the lifespan of your implants.

Reduce or Quit Tobacco Smoking

Heavy tobacco use (smoking or chewing) puts you at risk of gum disease and oral cancer, which can lead to implant failure. In fact, most Mt. Juliet dentists will flat-out refuse to perform dental implant surgery on chronic tobacco smokers. Put down the cigarettes to enjoy beautiful and functional implants for a lifetime. 

Talk to the Dental Implant Experts!

If you’re looking to replace your missing teeth with strong, durable, and high-quality implants, look no further than Berry Dental Group. Call us at (615) 758-2085 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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